Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I'm sooooo excited !!!!!
My birthday is in just a few days. I'm also having a party on the 18th of December. My friends Stella, Scout, Cora and my sister's friend Jasmine are coming to sleep-over. We are going to watch 3 movies( Camp No Where, The Tower of Terror and The Haunted Mansion ). AWESOME right? On my real b-day I'm going to the nutcracker and I get to sit in the box seats! Then I'm going to Ocean Shores to see my grandma & Grandpa
My Great grandma and my grandma both gave me really nice cards plus 20 dollars EACH!
They told me to spend it on something nice so I'm going to spend half of it on something I really want, like ugs :):):):):):) and the other half on stuff at Claire's. If you like this blog, you might like thetalkativeones.blogspot.com.

My birthday is on the 22nd Merry Christmas!!!