Wednesday, December 15, 2010

School ... a strange thing

I go to a school called TOPS(standing for The Options Program at Seward). It is a K-8 school-- my normal schedule is... 8:15 enter classroom, 8:24 reading, 9:50 math(the boring subject), 10:35 Lunch and recess, 11:00 social studies=Washington, 11:30 writing, 11:59 2nd recess, 12:40 P.E. , 1:00 read aloud, 2:20 pack up go home. Today I did most of the stuff but instead of read aloud we pwent to science. At P.E., my friends Olivia, Stella and I danced on stage in front of my class; it was really fun and embarrassing:(). I think my school is really privileged because it has alot of extra stuff like art, scooters, choir and wake board.

Happy Holidays Jazz :)

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